What is concrete cutting and Coring?
Concrete cutting is the sawing, drilling and removal of concrete. Core Drilling is the process of drilling perfectly round holes through concrete walls and floors. … The sawing process is performed by our skilled personnel who use highly specialized equipment.
The main difference between a core drill and other cement cutting tools is that a core drill will extract a sample from the material. The center of the drill is hollow, allowing it to carve out a sample from the drilled material. This sample, called a core sample, conforms to the shape of the hollow walls of the drill.
Saw cuts are a used to create control joints in concrete, which help control where cracking occurs due to shrinkage. The cuts should be made at a predetermined spacing and only after the concrete has obtained sufficient strength but before internal cracking begins. Therefore, the timing of saw cuts is critical
Core holes are necessary for making way for water pipes, sewer lines, phone lines and computer lines. It is also required for plumbing, electrical wiring, and heating, along with the creation of vaults and manholes. If you are looking for concrete core drilling services, get in touch today
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